Saturday, September 18, 2010

Saturday is Gravel Day

We have had another good day of hard work.  Our team and many Haitians moved enough gravel and rocks to fill one section of foundation...with one wheelbarrow and one shovel and many buckets and many hands.  Bob is very pleased as moving that much gravel took three days the last time he was here!

Meanwhile the skilled, paid workers were finishing the four-foot walls within the foundation.  Now we have 10 more of these sections to fill with rock and gravel!  But we will have another wheelbarrow or two with which to do the job.

About 110 people showed up for lunch, but the church ladies had made enough to feed everyone!  Another soccer ball was a big hit with the children and teenage boys.  Girls are not allowed to play.  Earlier in the day, I was able teach the little ones Duck, Duck, Goose except we called it Duck, Duck, Chicken ("Cana, Cana, Pol").  London Bridge is Falling Down was another popular game.

Tomorrow we worship with the Croix des Mission congregation in their current tiny church.


1 comment:

  1. Everything you've written is now on LUMC website for easy access by our chuch family. Thank you for sharing such wonderful details! It is wonderful to journey with you via your blogs. Blessings!
