This is a familiar story - hauling sand by buckets. (Bring back memories for some of you?) Today, we were asked to move a few yards of sand to the rear of the church floor, next to the small room that will probably be a pastor's office. One pile of sand, the dark sand, was piled in front of the church by the gate. Using one wheelbarrow, one shovel, and many of the buckets, the sand was moved.
Then, we were asked to move white sand. This sand was piled by the side door and was moved entirely bucket brigade. Some of the boys helped. Younger children took the empty buckets back to be filled again. This went very quickly.
Why the sand? Crepissage was being applied to the interior walls. Crepi . . .what? This is a type of plastering technique using cement. The first coat of concrete uses only the black sand cement. The second coat uses a mixture of black and white sand. The end result is not a smooth surface. It is a rough flat surface that hides the concrete blocks. The result is attractive.
While this was being done, electricians were installing PVC conduits for the lighting and wall outlets. The electricians were barely ahead of some of the crepissage application.
Watching the workman putting finishing touches on the office walls made me feel really good. There is a sense that one small part of the church is being completed. (This is the small part in the rear of the church that had a concrete roof constructed last August.).
Thank you all for supporting Croix des Mission.
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