Sunday, August 11, 2013


Two big surprises this morning.  The first had to do with the traffic.  Usually, it takes 1 1/2 hours to drive about 15 miles.  This Sunday morning, it only took 35 minutes.

The second surprise, 31 children walked to church with us.  We arrived at the new church at 8:10am and waited for the children.  One by one, they came wearing their best clothes.  Even after we began walking, a couple more joined us.  We must have been quite a sight, these 'blancs' walking down the road with all these kids and a couple Haitian adults including Gilbert, the neighborhood leader.

Upon arriving at the church, I was asked to conduct children's time.  I had about an hour to think about it.  And, it went well.  Michelle translated.

Cindy's sermon was well received with congregational amens.  Instead of Michelle translating, Rev. Chrisnel, the Jeremie Circuit Superintendent who was visiting, translated for Cindy.

After the 2 1/2 hour service, the children were served refreshments.  This has never happened before.
 While I was being asked to conduct children's time, I was also asked if I would fund the refreshments.  Of course, I did.

After church, Madame St. John, whose family is the church property caretaker/security, took me to see her husband in their small, one room house on the property.  His foot still has not healed properly since the surgery a year ago.  (I paid $425 for his treatment.  Thank you for your discretionary donations that allow me to do this.)  Then, he asked me to pray for him.  All the family, myself, and Johnny, the driver/translator held hands and prayed.  Everyone should have that faith experience.  I gave them some transportation money in order that he might be seen and determine the cost of treatment.

Before returning to the guest house, we went to Croix des Bouquet.  There is an artisan area where several metal artists work.  It was very interesting watching an artist use his hammer and punch.  He was super skilled.  But, after viewing many art pieces in three buildings, I did not see any metal art that actually appealed to me.

In two previous VIM trips to Haiti, I have purchased two beautiful pieces of metal art.  Not only all they beautifully cut and punched, both are painted.  Seldom are Haitian metal art pieces painted, just buffed with wire brushes.  To me, the painted art is much more expressive.

Back at the guest house, it rained again this evening.  With the exception of one evening, every other evening/night it has rained.  This is unusual.  Fortunately, we can use the church for VBS.  Otherwise, it would be difficult since the ground in the back of the church turns into a thick mud that cakes on one's shoes.  The guest house maintenance man, Eric, also commented on the unusual rain.  Climate change may be the cause.

Tomorrow is our last VBS day.  Tuesday, we visit an eye clinic in Petit-Goave.  Wednesday, the VBS children perform for their parents.  Thursday, return home.

Hope you had a great day.  Bob

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