Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Look at the church!!  Isn't it wonderful!!

Last evening, I arrived again in Haiti with team members Wanda Rosser, BK Chung, Shirley Daddario, and Jamie Lindtner from Pennsylvania and Dale Clem and Karren Crownson from Alabama.  Another congenial team.

This morning followed previous team routines: leave the Guest House about 8am, buy bags of ice for the water coolers, and purchase eight bags of fresh bread rolls from street vendors.  Upon arrival at Croix des Mission, there were warm greetings and introductions before the team began handing out bread rolls lathered in peanut butter. (This is a typical poor Haitian breakfast, but a Haitian would spread the peanut butter so thin as to be translucent.)

Last week, workers began applying crepissage (a concrete made with very fine sand and applied about an inch thick over the concrete blocks) to the north side of the church.  By the time we depart next Thursday, the crepissage work for the entire church may be completed.  Yea!

Our team helped dig the septic tank pit.  We did have two picks and three shovels.  Of course as in years past, neighborhood volunteers also helped.

Stevenson Theodore, our choir director, spent about an hour with us teaching us another hymn in Creole.  As in the past, we will sing for the Croix des Mission congregation Sunday.

The neighborhood was fed lunch.  I was surprised at the number fed.  I would guess about 80 people including the paid workers.  And, there was not the crowding around the food servers as in the past.  Perhaps the people are finally realizing that there is always enough food; everyone is served.

There were many requests for educational assistance, medical help, etc.  After these were politely and respectfully denied, the people did not persist and respected our decision.

Working at Croix des Mission is so rewarding.  The next VIM team is scheduled for August.  Sign up now.


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