Friday, September 28, 2012

Street Scenes and Goodbyes

On the way to the worksite on this last day, I snapped pictures from the van window.  Everyone who visits Haiti is fascinated by the snapshops of everyday life that they glimpse from the windows of a moving vehicle. One's senses are bombarded with sights, smells, and sounds.  It is mesmerizing.  And so today I share a few of these scenes.  The pictures tell of the contrasts between lifestyles for the multitudes of poor people and the few rich people.  (The Chinese motorcycles are a new phenomenon in Haiti and are owned by the poor.  The young men make a living from them by using them as taxis.  The motorcycles make driving in Haiti all the more complicated, exciting, and dangerous!)

 When we arrived at the church work site, the roof was complete!  Most of the scaffolding was being disassembled, but the perimeter scaffolding remained as the plasterers practiced their skill on the interior walls.  By the end of this week the plaster will also be complete.  I hope all the alumni of our VIM teams and all who have contributed money toward this project are cheering for this big step forward!  Bob and I are grateful to you and so are the people of Croix des Mission.

The crowd was larger than other days.  There were many children at play with jump ropes, soccer balls, and marbles.  Others just watched quietly.  The meal was delicious again.  One man bought our team of four Americans some cold Coca Cola as a thank you.

Our gifts of ball caps, t-shirts, and work gloves were happily received.  There was enough to go around!

It was hard to say goodbye to the many new friends and to the old friends we see each visit.  But Goodbye it was...until we meet again.

Bob is taking another team to Croix des Mission from February 26  to March 7 in 2013.  It is anticipated that this team will be painting the newly plastered interior walls!  Send him an email at if you want to come along.  August 6-15, 2013 we will be doing a Vacation Bible School for the Croix des Mission neighborhood.  Join us if you like to work with children.

 Donations of money are always welcome so that this church can be completed.  Your dollars will continue to be doubled through 2013 with matching funds from UMCOR.

The team members are back at home absorbing all they have seen and learned.

Until next time,

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