Monday, August 15, 2011

First Day of VBS

Our team arrived at the worksite ready for a day of teaching "Jonah's Story".  By the time we served our bread and peanut butter breakfast, tied up a tarp, and brought benches from the current church, we had 50 children sitting on the benches ready to learn!  As the morning continued another 20 children joined us.

Bob and I were thrilled to see construction underway at the church.  A cement roof was being put on the "office section" of the building and a security wall which had fallen during the earthquake was being repaired.

Bible School began.  Nina told the story in English as Michelle translated and the children looked at simple illustrations.  Then a ten year old Haitian girl retold the story as Michelle translated back to English.  It was a very effective teaching method.  Next Nina taught a song with motions.  They loved it and were still singing it as we left this afternoon.   Then we had the small children sit on another tarp for coloring (ages 1-4) and the older children made bead necklaces.  We had planned to make a paperbag whale but it appeared to be too difficult with the large number of children and vast age difference so we postponed that project for later in the day.

Lunch had not arrived so out came the soccer balls and jump ropes.  Little ones played Duck, Duck, Goose and did the Hokey Pokey and Ring around the Rosie.

We dined at 2:25pm on yummy beans and rice.  We fed about 140 neighborhood folks.

Then we headed home tired and dirty and fulfilled.


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