Our van looked like the Beverly Hillbillies had arrived in Haiti as we headed to the Croix des Mission neighborhood with luggage on the top of our van. The suitcases were full of Tshirts, gloves, ballcaps, and school supplies to give away to the families.
When we arrived at the church, Stevenson Theodore, our music man, was already rehearsing the children for their "show". The children were wearing their Sunday best. We had to hang a third tarp to make enough shade to accommodate the crowd that had come to see the children perform.
We distributed the peanut butter bread and took a walk through the neighborhood with Gilbert, the neighborhood leader. Seeing the primitive circumstances in which these children live, is shocking. Tiny shacks or tents housed extended families. Very sad. But the people were welcoming and very grateful for the repairs they made to their homes with the donated money that Bob had given to them for this purpose.
After a delightful show of songs, poems, and dance, we headed to the area behind the church building for a delicious meal cooked over charcoal by the church ladies. The 140 children sat on benches while adults stood or sat on cement blocks. A gentle breeze made the hot day tolerable. There was a festive atmosphere which intensified when the Coca Cola was passed out.
Michelle Pierre called our team forward and each of us said a few words in front of the crowd. It was a touching time for me and I choked up a bit as I expressed my thanks for a fine week and said goodbye. Then we gave each child a bag of school supplies.
Next the adults moved to the front of the church to receive their Tshirts, gloves, and hats. There was some pandemonium, but all in all, we successfully distributed everything and there were smiles all around!
Then it was waves and hugs as we said goodbye to our friends in Croix des Mission. Everyone agreed at our team meeting after supper that it was a most successful week. Every team member felt that they had built a meaningful relationship with the people. We also felt that we had done our best to make VBS for the children a time of learning and fun.
A refreshing swim in the pool topped off a most memorable and satisfying day. We depart Haiti tomorrow with a warm feeling for its people especially the ones we met at Croix des Mission church and neighborhood.
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